Top Dentist Long Island

b2Oral health is the term used to refer to the overall hygiene of the mouth. Good oral hygiene is a necessity for everyone. Bad oral health not only affects your self-esteem, but it also imparts a powerful effect on your overall health. Ignoring your oral well-being lead to more than just sore teeth and awful breath — it can open the way to a wide range of well-being issues, including some really awful illnesses like oral cancer. There exists connections between gum problems and heart disease, stroke. So it’s necessary to consult a dentist about your oral health before the situation gets complicated.

We can attain good oral hygiene by carefully brushing and flossing the teeth regularly by means of preventing plaque from accumulating and causing problems. But consultation with a dentist is necessary because every individual has his/her own problems related to teeth and gums. Experts may suggest specific toothpaste or mouth cleaner according to the type of teeth the patient has. If you are looking for a top dentist in Long Island then simply visit Pleasant Dental Care to explore the top class services given by professional dentists.

Factors that affect oral health
There are a lot of factors or habits that can affect oral health and are a part of our routine life. Some of them are explained below:

  • Sugar intake: Having a sugar-loaded diet will impart to tooth decays and gum issues. Tooth decay occurs when particular sorts of microscopic organisms produce acid that crushes the tooth’s enamel and its fundamental layer. It leads to toothache, sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold foods or drinks and pain when chewing.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking cigarettes and cigars and using tobacco products can cause periodontal disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydrated mouth that contributes to numerous oral problems. People who intake, alcohol excessively should take extra care of their oral hygiene by regularly going for regular check-ups.
  • Medicine: Some drugs, for instance, a few anti-toxins, can bring about inner staining of teeth. They cause hurt contingent of the age at which you take them.

Why you should go for Pleasant Dental Care?
We at Pleasant Dental Care, provides you almost every dentistry service from teeth whitening, extraction to dental implants and cosmetic surgeries. We have top dentists of Long Island who are dedicated to serve patients with the full zeal and enthusiasm. Contact or visit us for any sort of dentistry administrations.

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