Best Foot Doctor Queens – Barry katzman DPM

banner-dr 1Feet are truly important parts of your body. Your feet carry the weight of your whole body. You require your feet to stand to run or to walk around. That is the reason; you should do proper care of your feet. A foot specialist is basically known as a doctor of Podiatric medicine or podiatrist. A podiatrist can assist you with common foot issues, including bunions or ingrown toenails. They also correct and prevent deformity, treat infections, relieve pain and keep individuals active and versatile. They analyze and treat all injuries and diseases or disorders related to the lower legs, ankles and feet.

A podiatrist can give you and your family guidance on how to take care of your feet and what kind of shoes to wear. He/she can also alleviate and treat day-to-day foot issues, including:

    dry and cracked heels

  • Toenail problems, such as thickened, ingrown or fungal toenails
  • Ageing feet
  • Flat feet
  • Smelly feet
  • Verrucas
  • Gout
  • Bunions
  • Sports injuries
  • Heel pain

Presently, due to the lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle, more and more individuals are suffering from weight related issues. Since, the feet carry the weight of the whole body, the foot issues are likewise increasing day by day. Obesity can result in diabetes and arthritis, which can further lead to more serious foot issues which need to be treated by the foot specialists. Any kind of injury to the feet whether it is a fracture or maybe a muscle sprain is also treated by foot specialists.

Taking consistent care of your feet is important. Appropriate foot care comes under individual’s cleanliness. When you do not take appropriate care of your feet; infected toenails, bunions, corns, heel spurs, calluses, athlete’s foot, and numerous other common foot issues may emerge that are needed to be treated by podiatrists.

So, If you or someone in your family is suffering from foot problems and are looking for a best foot doctor in Queens, then you should consult Dr. Barry Katzman. He specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the lower leg, foot and ankle. Schedule your appointment today!

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