Do you know that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States? It is important to be aware of this disease irrespective of whether you are affected or not, because knowledge about it can help you prevent yourself and make others aware as well.

That is why, Dr. Alan Kling, the top HPV specialist in NYC, has differentiated the facts from myths that people have about HPV.

What is HPV?
It is a name given to a group of virus that can affect your skin and the moist membrane lining of your body. The major body parts that get affected are cervix, anus, mouth, and throat. Among these, genital HPV infections are very common and highly contagious. It can spread from sexual activities or direct contact of skin-to-skin of genital areas.

Myth #1 All strains of HPV are carcinogenic
Dr. Kling says that there are around 250 identified strains of HPV but only a few of them are carcinogenic. It can cause skin lesions and genital warts but necessarily cancer. In many cases, it may take many years to develop cancer.

Myth #2 HPV spreads by sitting at places where infected person has been sitting
HPV only is transmitted after sexual contact and in some cases due to oral sex. A person will not get infected if, for instance, he sits on the toilet seat which has been used by the infected person.
Myth #3 HPV is more common or limited to women only
HPV is only common among people who are sexually active, be it a man or woman. Both have equal chances of becoming infected. You may get infected even if you have had only one sexual partner.

Myth #4 There are always symptoms for HPV
That is not necessarily true. Many times, HPV goes undetected for years and symptoms do not show up until the situation is at its peak. Even if you are infected by the strands that can cause cancer, there still may be no symptom whatsoever.
Myth #4 Curing Genital Warts does not mean you are cured of HPV
Dr. Kling mentions that this is one of the most common misconceptions people have about HPV. You can get your genital warts but still have HPV in you and there are chances of transmission of this virus during sexual activity.

Myth #5 HPV is forever
Dr. Kling says that HPV can be cleared from our body by our immune system. This may not be the case if a person’s immune system is weak or if it is the deadly strand of virus.

Dr. Alan Kling is one of the most recognized and reputable expert voices on the topic of HPV. He has been involved in major research work about HPV and also teaches about it in major medical colleges. He strongly emphasizes the importance of spreading awareness of HPV among ever generation and sex. Parents and schools should make teens aware at the right time and the right age. He says that we are living in a technically advanced world and awareness is a crucial aspect in today’s world.
In addition, he also suggests going for vaccination while there is still time. He believes that HPV needs a lot of awareness not only among the citizens of the United States but all over the word.

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